

Wang Yihan Singapore Studio and Gallery
2023-01-12 17:37 6449


新加坡2023年1月11日 /美通社/ -- 前中国选美皇后、90后当代艺术家王一涵在教堂路25号推出其同名王一涵新加坡工作室画廊。该工作室画廊也是供金融和科技领域的优秀人才、未来领袖和变革者交流、合作和构思的社交场所。

Artist Wang Yihan in front of the eponymous Wang Yihan Singapore Studio and Gallery at 25 Chapel Road.
Artist Wang Yihan in front of the eponymous Wang Yihan Singapore Studio and Gallery at 25 Chapel Road.


为了庆祝画廊开业而举办的慈善艺术拍卖会筹集了超过3万新元。拍卖会所得不仅将捐给中国红十字会,为中国提供健康和医疗援助,还将捐给致力于增强老年人身心健康的新加坡老年护理服务提供商La Cura Mobility。







当代艺术家王一涵(英文名 :Jennifer)出生于中国吉林,主要工作地点位于上海。2022年底,她正式从上海迁居新加坡,并于2023年1月在当地创办了王一涵新加坡工作室画廊。



抖音: wangyihan337


The Wang Yihan Singapore Studio and Gallery was launched on 7 January 2023 and will be an intimate space to house Wang’s works, and doubles-up as a space to network and collaborate among professionals from the financial and technology sectors.
The Wang Yihan Singapore Studio and Gallery was launched on 7 January 2023 and will be an intimate space to house Wang’s works, and doubles-up as a space to network and collaborate among professionals from the financial and technology sectors.


Artist Wang Yihan poses with a painting from her The Rich and Noble Elf) series, titled Childhood.
Artist Wang Yihan poses with a painting from her The Rich and Noble Elf) series, titled Childhood.


The launch of the Wang Yihan Singapore Studio and Gallery was in full swing on Saturday, 7 January 2023, where a total of S$30,000 was raised during a private auction. All proceeds from the auction will be donated to the China Red Cross, and La Cura Mobility, a senior care service provider in Singapore that focuses on strengthening seniors’ physical and mental health.
The launch of the Wang Yihan Singapore Studio and Gallery was in full swing on Saturday, 7 January 2023, where a total of S$30,000 was raised during a private auction. All proceeds from the auction will be donated to the China Red Cross, and La Cura Mobility, a senior care service provider in Singapore that focuses on strengthening seniors’ physical and mental health.


Contemporary artist Wang Yihan poses with a painting from her A Dream of Glazed Light) series, titled Explosion.
Contemporary artist Wang Yihan poses with a painting from her A Dream of Glazed Light) series, titled Explosion.


Contemporary artist Wang Yihan’s art has been collected by various royal families from Dubai, Japan, France, and Thailand. Wang is a member of the Shanghai Youth Art Association, Shanghai Art Association, and China Art Association. She has been crowned Miss China four times.
Contemporary artist Wang Yihan’s art has been collected by various royal families from Dubai, Japan, France, and Thailand. Wang is a member of the Shanghai Youth Art Association, Shanghai Art Association, and China Art Association. She has been crowned Miss China four times.


消息来源:Wang Yihan Singapore Studio and Gallery