

2023-03-07 08:04
  • 由沙特司法部(MOJ)主办的首届国际司法会议(ICJ为全球法律相关从业人员提供了一个司法未来和司法数字化知识交流平台。 
  • 议的第一天举办了三场会议,有12发言者与会发言,重点阐述全球司法系统数字化转型的关键发展因素 
  • ICJ开幕当天还颁发了首批外国律师事务所在沙特王国的律师执业许可证 

沙特阿拉伯利雅得2023年3月7日 /美通社/ -- 沙特阿拉伯司法部(MOJ)在利雅得举办的首届国际司法会议第一天会议圆满结束。当天,12名国际发言者组织了小组讨论和专门研讨会,讨论此次会议的中心主题"通过数字创新促进诉诸司法",并就技术在全球司法领域的变革性影响分享了他们的专业知识。

Saudi Minister of Justice, H.E. Walid Muhammad Al-Samaani, and Saudi Minister of Investment, H.E. Khalid Al Falih, issue the first licenses enabling foreign law firms Herbert Smith Freehills, Latham & Watkins, and Clifford Chance to practice in Saudi Arabia at the International Conference on Justice
Saudi Minister of Justice, H.E. Walid Muhammad Al-Samaani, and Saudi Minister of Investment, H.E. Khalid Al Falih, issue the first licenses enabling foreign law firms Herbert Smith Freehills, Latham & Watkins, and Clifford Chance to practice in Saudi Arabia at the International Conference on Justice

沙特阿拉伯司法部长Walid al-Samaani博士阁下在会议开幕式上发表讲话,探讨了司法系统在数字化转型背景下的快速变化,并强调了利用创新的重要性,这不仅是为了应对当前的挑战,而且从长远来看还可提高司法效率并让所有人都能获得司法服务。他指出:"鉴于包括司法部门在内的全球各领域的迅速变化,我们需要跟上这些发展的步伐,并将其视为进步的机遇,特别是在支持和加强司法保障的技术方面。

在会议开幕式上,Al-Samaani博士与沙特投资部长Khalid Al-Falih博士共同向三家外国律师事务所颁发了律师执业执照:Herbert Smith Freehills LLP、Latham and Watkins LLP和Clifford Chance LLP。这是首次向在沙特阿拉伯开展业务的外国律师事务所颁发此类执照,在此次会议上颁发凸显了此次活动所体现的国际合作精神。

在第一场会议"数字转型下的司法系统的未来"中,Samaani博士阁下与来自欧盟、新加坡、摩洛哥和突尼斯的部长及高级政要讨论了技术在司法系统中日益重要的作用。在第二场会议‘司法部门数字化转型的国际经验‘中,远至阿塞拜疆和中国的代表也与沙特司法部负责数字转型和信息通信技术的副部长Majed Al-Salloom先生就各自的司法管辖区如何应对正在改变全球司法格局的数字进程交换了意见。在当天的最后一场会议'人工智能的法律维度'中,法律和技术领域的全球专探讨了人工智能和司法问题,包括其挑战和未来监管方法。




The International Conference on Justice "aims to build judicial partnerships and enable the transfer of knowledge and expertise to enhance justice around the world," said Saudi Minister of Justice, H.E. Dr. Walid Al-Samaani.
The International Conference on Justice "aims to build judicial partnerships and enable the transfer of knowledge and expertise to enhance justice around the world," said Saudi Minister of Justice, H.E. Dr. Walid Al-Samaani.


A panel session on the Future of the Justice System in Light of Digital Transformation featured insights from Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Singapore, Tunisia and the EU, highlighting ways in which we can enable and accelerate the uptake of technology in the field of justice.
A panel session on the Future of the Justice System in Light of Digital Transformation featured insights from Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Singapore, Tunisia and the EU, highlighting ways in which we can enable and accelerate the uptake of technology in the field of justice.


Ministers, legal experts, thought leaders, and academia gather at the inaugural International Conference on Justice to exchange knowledge on how technology is transforming the field of justice across the globe.
Ministers, legal experts, thought leaders, and academia gather at the inaugural International Conference on Justice to exchange knowledge on how technology is transforming the field of justice across the globe.


消息来源:Saudi Ministry of Justice (MOJ)