
人造肉企业Future Meat完成3.47亿美元B轮融资 | 美通社

2021-12-22 15:59

Future Meat Technologies, (Future Meat), the first an industry-leading company developing innovative technology to produce cultivated meat, announced that it has raised $347 million in Series B round of financing. The company also announced that it is now producing cultivated chicken breast for just $7.70 per pound, or $1.70 per 110-gram chicken breast, down from under $18 per pound just six months ago.

以色列人造肉研发生产商Future Meat Technologies宣布完成3.47亿美元的B轮融资,这是有史以来培育肉类领域的最大笔投资。

该轮融资由全球食品行业领先企业ADM Ventures领投,以色列养老基金Menorah Mivtachim、全球第二大肉类制造商Tyson Foods、Bits X Bites、SG2 Ventures等参投。

今年早些时候,Future Meat在以色列开设了全球第一条培育肉类生产线,目前正在美国多个地点寻找其预计的大规模生产设施。(美通社,2021年12月20日以色列雷霍沃特)