
MICHAEL KORS推出Runway系列智能腕表 | 美通社

2018-08-14 11:22
Michael Kors adds its iconic Runway style to its Access smartwatch collection, combining design and functionality for a highly personalized experience.


The Michael Kors Access collection continues to grow with its newest addition, the Runway Access Smartwatch, which features the latest Wear OS capabilities: heart-rate tracking, swimproof functionality, payment technology, untethered GPS and more.

MICHAEL KORS迈克高仕宣布,其Runway腕表将作为创新型智能腕表重新回归。Runway智能腕表运用新一代可穿戴技术,提供心率监测、游泳监测、购物支付、GPS定位及更多功能。除了采用不锈钢电镀工艺的经典款式外,品牌在此系列中推出首个硅胶表带款式。

全新的MICHAEL KORS ACCESS Runway智能腕表搭载了Wear OS by Google™和Qualcomm® Snapdragon Wear™ 2100 SoC,并可兼容iPhone®和Android™手机。(美通社,2018年8月13日纽约)
消息来源:Michael Kors