

2021-09-06 16:53 6859

际知名的荷兰DJ Tiesto赛道上进行了独家现场演出,庆祝正在赞德沃特举行的一级方程式赛车喜力荷兰大奖赛

- 喜力利用卡车车厢搭建了一个移动舞台,其内布满荷兰先锋艺术家Joseph Klibansky艺术佳作

- 喜力®0.0车从颁奖台一路驶向看台,然后在11号和12号弯道停下,面向众多车迷进行表演

- 该表演对全球数百万粉丝进行了现场直播

荷兰赞德沃特2021年9月6日 /美通社/ -- 喜力以一场独一无二的演出庆贺F1®历史性地重返荷兰赞德沃特。周末举行完所有的F1®和W系列™赛车活动后,一辆与众不同的展车于9月5日星期日F1喜力荷兰大奖赛颁奖礼后立即驶向赛道,荷兰超级巨星DJ TIËSTO在展车上为车迷们带来了长达60分钟的独家现场表演。

Heineken(R) and TIESTO celebrate the return of Formula 1(R) to Zandvoort, with a unique performance live streamed directly from the track from the F1 Heineken Dutch Grand Prix
Heineken(R) and TIESTO celebrate the return of Formula 1(R) to Zandvoort, with a unique performance live streamed directly from the track from the F1 Heineken Dutch Grand Prix

比赛现场的车迷们可按照新冠疫情指南的规定在看台上欣赏演出,而居家的车迷们则可通过EDM流媒体服务Beatport、F1和Red Bull Racing Honda Facebook渠道以及TIËSTO本人的Facebook和YouTube收看直播。


此展车布满了荷兰先锋艺术家Joseph Klibansky的作品。Klibansky与喜力合作,开发了专门针对F1®和W系列™颁奖台的设计,该设计体现了荷兰独有的当地元素,同时又彰显了现代特色。


Heineken(R) and TIESTO celebrate the return of Formula 1(R) to Zandvoort, with a unique performance live streamed directly from the track from the F1 Heineken Dutch Grand Prix
Heineken(R) and TIESTO celebrate the return of Formula 1(R) to Zandvoort, with a unique performance live streamed directly from the track from the F1 Heineken Dutch Grand Prix


Heineken(R) and TIESTO celebrate the return of Formula 1(R) to Zandvoort, with a unique performance live streamed directly from the track from the F1 Heineken Dutch Grand Prix
Heineken(R) and TIESTO celebrate the return of Formula 1(R) to Zandvoort, with a unique performance live streamed directly from the track from the F1 Heineken Dutch Grand Prix


Heineken(R) and TIESTO celebrate the return of Formula 1(R) to Zandvoort, with a unique performance live streamed directly from the track from the F1 Heineken Dutch Grand Prix
Heineken(R) and TIESTO celebrate the return of Formula 1(R) to Zandvoort, with a unique performance live streamed directly from the track from the F1 Heineken Dutch Grand Prix