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关于AHAM<\/b> <\/p> \n

AHAM represents manufacturers of major, portable and floor care home appliances, and suppliers to the industry. AHAM’s more than 150 members employ tens of thousands of people in the U.S. and produce more than 95% of the household appliances shipped for sale within the U.S. The factory shipment value of these products is more than $30 billion<\/span> annually. The home appliance industry, through its products and innovation, is essential to U.S. consumer lifestyle, health, safety and convenience. Through its technology, employees and productivity, the industry contributes significantly to U.S. jobs and economic security. Home appliances also are a success story in terms of energy efficiency and environmental protection. New appliances often represent the most effective choice a consumer can make to reduce home energy use and costs.
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关于<\/b>Intertek<\/b><\/p> \n

Intertek是全球领先的全面质量保障服务机构,始终以专业、精准、快速、热情的全面质量保障服务,为客户制胜市场保驾护航。凭借在全球100多个国家的1,000多家实验室和分支机构、及44,000多名专业员工,Intertek致力于以创新和定制的保障、测试、检验+和认证解决方案,为客户的运营和供应链带来全方位的安心保障。<\/p> \n

图片 - https:\/\/photos.prnasia.com\/prnh\/20191028\/2623663-1-a?lang=1<\/a>
图片 - 
https:\/\/photos.prnasia.com\/prnh\/20191028\/2623663-1-b?lang=1<\/a> <\/p>"]; $("#dvExtra").html(content_array[0]);})();