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关于高仪<\/b><\/p> \n

GROHE is a leading global brand for full bathroom solutions and kitchen fittings and has a total of over 6,000 employees, 2,400 of which are based in Germany<\/span>. GROHE has been part of the LIXIL Group Corporation since 2014. As an international brand, GROHE pursues the brand values of technology, quality, design and sustainability, seeking to offer the “Pure Freude an Wasser”. GROHE has been developing new product categories since its inception. This includes the GROHE Blue and Red water systems and the recently introduced GROHE Sense water security system, which is an innovative component in the growth market of smart home technology. Innovation, design and development are closely aligned with one another and are enshrined in the German site as an integrated process. As a result, GROHE products carry the seal of quality “Made in Germany”. In the past ten years alone, more than 300 design and innovation awards as well as several top rankings at the German Sustainability Award have confirmed GROHE's success. GROHE was the first in its industry to win the German government’s CSR prize and was also featured in the renowned Fortune® magazine’s ranking of Top 50 that are “Changing the World”.<\/p> \n

关于骊住<\/b><\/p> \n

骊住集团是一家领先的卫浴与家装产品制造商。我们的产品旨在帮助全球各地消费者应对日常实际生活中的各种挑战,帮助他们创造更美好的居家生活。基于我们在日本长期积累的宝贵经验,我们开发了全球领先的技术,同时不断推动创新,生产出有助于彻底改变居家生活的高品质产品。而骊住真正的独特之处在于我们的经营方式:我们推出富有意义的设计,坚持开拓进取精神,致力于提升产品使用方便性,并以负责任的方式推动业务增长。我们的经验理念通过旗下多个行业领先品牌变成了现实,这些品牌包括伊奈、高仪、美标和通世泰。骊住集团在全球150多个国家和地区开展业务经营,员工总数超过70000人。我们的产品每天为全球十亿多消费者的生活带来便利,我们对此深感自豪。<\/p> \n

骊住集团株式会社(东京证券交易所股票代码:5938)是负责经营骊住旗下各大品牌业务的上市控股公司。<\/p> \n

欲了解有关骊住集团的更多信息,敬请访问:http:\/\/www.lixil.com<\/a><\/u>。<\/p> \n

关于世界建筑节(<\/b>WAF<\/b>)<\/b><\/p> \n

世界建筑节(World Architecture Festival),是国际建筑界规模最大的年度国际会议和声望最高的颁奖盛典之一。<\/p> \n

每年在不同的城市举办,将世界各地的建筑师、设计师集聚一堂。这是一个集颁奖赛事、会议以及传播建筑知识为一体的盛事,致力于表彰、分享和鼓励优秀杰出的建筑设计。<\/p> \n

世界建筑节(WAF)包括:<\/p> \n