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【编者按】<\/b><\/p> \n

1. <\/b>关于<\/b>Lemborexant<\/b><\/p> \n

Lemborexant是一种新型的临床试用小分子化合物,由卫材发现并进行开发。该药通过与两种食欲素受体亚型(食欲素受体1和2)进行竞争性结合来抑制食欲素的信号传导。在具有正常的每日睡眠 - 觉醒节律的个体中,食欲素信号传导被认为可促进清醒。在患有睡眠 - 觉醒障碍的个体中,调节觉醒的食欲素信号传导可能不正常。也就是说,抑制不正常的食欲素信号传导可以促进入睡和维持睡眠。卫材正在将lemborexant作为多种睡眠 - 觉醒障碍(如失眠症)的一种可能的治疗选择进行调研。<\/p> \n

此外,一项关于Lemborexant 的II期临床研究正在不规则的睡眠-觉醒节律障碍(ISWRD)和轻中度阿尔茨海默病痴呆患者中进行。<\/p> \n

2. <\/b>关于睡眠障碍<\/b><\/p> \n

多个人口研究显示,全世界受睡眠障碍影响的人数比先前认为的要多。[1] <\/sup>失眠症是最常见的睡眠障碍,全世界约有30%的成年人有持续失眠的症状。[1][2] <\/sup>失眠症的特点是拥有足够的睡眠机会却入睡困难,不能入睡或两者兼而有之。这可能会导致一些白天症状,如疲劳,注意力不集中和烦躁不安等。[3][4]<\/sup><\/p> \n

好的睡眠对包括大脑健康在内的身体健康至关重要。睡眠不佳可导致多种健康问题,如高血压、意外伤害、糖尿病、肥胖、抑郁、心脏病、中风和痴呆症风险增加等,并可能对情绪和行为产生不良影响。[3][5]<\/sup><\/p> \n

对动物和人类的实验研究提供了睡眠和疾病风险因素、疾病和死亡率相关的证据。[6 ]<\/sup>研究表明,最佳睡眠时长为7至8个小时。[7] <\/sup>女性罹患失眠症的可能性是男性的1.4倍。[8] <\/sup>老年人失眠的患病率也较高; 人类老去的过程往往伴随着睡眠模式的变化,包括睡眠中断、频繁醒来和早醒等,这些都会使睡眠时间减少。[9]<\/sup><\/p> \n

参考资料<\/b><\/p> \n

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1. Ferrie JE, et al.Sleep epidemiology – a rapidly growing field.Int J Epidemiol.<\/i>2011;40(6):1431–1437.<\/span><\/span><\/p> <\/td> \n <\/tr> \n

2. Roth T. Insomnia: definition, prevalence, etiology and consequences.J Clin Sleep Med<\/i>.2007;3(5 Suppl):S7–S10.<\/span><\/p> <\/td> \n <\/tr> \n

3. Institute of Medicine.Sleep disorders and sleep deprivation:An unmet public health problem.Washington, DC:National Academies Press.2006. <\/span><\/p> <\/td> \n <\/tr> \n

4. Ohayon MM, et al.Epidemiology of insomnia: what we know and what we still need to learn.Sleep Med Rev.<\/i><\/span><\/p>

2002;6(2):97-111.<\/span><\/p> <\/td> \n <\/tr> \n

5. Pase MP, Himali JJ, Grima NA, et al.Sleep architecture and the risk of incident dementia in the community.<\/span><\/p>

Neurology.<\/i>2017;89(12):1244-1250.<\/span><\/p> <\/td> \n <\/tr> \n

6. Cappuccio FP et al.Sleep and cardio-metabolic disease.Curr Cardiol Rep.<\/i>2017;19:110.<\/span><\/p> <\/td> \n <\/tr> \n

7. Cappuccio FP et al.Sleep duration and all-cause mortality: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies.Sleep.<\/i>2010;33(5):585-592.<\/span><\/p> <\/td> \n <\/tr> \n

8. Roth T, et al.Prevalence and perceived health associated with insomnia based on DSM-IV-TR; International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, tenth revision; and Research Diagnostic Criteria\/International Classification of Sleep Disorders, second edition criteria: results from the America Insomnia Survey.Biol Psychiatry.<\/i>2011;69:592– 600.<\/span><\/p> <\/td> \n <\/tr> \n

9. Crowley, K. Sleep and sleep disorders in older adults.Neuropsychol Rev<\/i>.2011;21(1):41-53.<\/span><\/p> <\/td> \n <\/tr> \n <\/tbody> \n <\/table> \n<\/div> \n

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