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关于潭洲国际会展中心<\/strong><\/p> \n

潭洲国际会展中心(以下简称:GICEC)是一个集展览、会议、商业配套等多功能为一体的会展综合体。其每平方米10吨的场馆地面承重和每个吊点最大设计承重2吨的硬件条件,在全国范围内独树一帜。GICEC规划总用地面积约39万平方米,建筑面积约47万平方米。GICEC项目从设计、建设到运营,国际展览巨头 -- 德国汉诺威展览公司均全程密切参与,提供了大量专业的意见,使得GICEC的硬件设施和运营标准,均注入了德国会展业的硬件优势元素及严谨的服务体系等国际基因。GICEC将凭借位于珠三角核心地带的区位优势,依托本地雄厚的制造业基础,打造珠三角先进装备制造业和智能制造的国际交流平台,建设以高端制造、研发、会展、物流、文化创新为特色会展产业城。实现三大定位:珠江西岸先进装备制造业展示中心、中国装备制造业展览中心、中国制造2025对话德国工业4.0展示中心。了解更多信息请登陆www.gicec-china.com<\/a>。<\/p> \n

About Tanzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center <\/strong><\/p> \n

Tanzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center (GICEC) is a multi-functional complex that integrates commercial facilities while offering services for exhibitions and conferences. The load bearing capacity of GICEC is unique in mainland China<\/span>, which is 10 t\/m2<\/sup>. With a total planned built-up area of 390,000 m<\/span>2<\/sup>, the floor area of the venue is 470,000 m<\/span>2<\/sup>.<\/p> \n

Deutsche Messe AG, a dominant player in international exhibition industry, was closely involved in the design, construction and the operation of GICEC while offering many professional suggestions. Therefore, the facilities and the operation integrated German elements and international standards.<\/p> \n

By leveraging its strategic location in the Guangdong<\/span>-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area and the strong industrial capabilities of the region, GICEC will cultivate itself into an international platform for advanced machinery manufacturing and intelligent manufacturing in the region while also giving rise to a featured convention and exhibition industry city which integrates advanced manufacturing, R&D, conferencing & exhibition, logistics, cultural innovation and so on.<\/p> \n

GICEC seeks to become a demonstration center for the advanced equipment manufacturing sector of the Pearl River Delta, the exhibition center for the Chinese machinery manufacturing sector, and the showcase platform for “Made-in-China<\/span> 2025” and Germany’s Industry 4.0 Initiatives. For more information please visit www.gicec-china.com<\/a>.<\/p>"]; $("#dvExtra").html(content_array[0]);})();