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About JustGiving<\/strong><\/u><\/p>\r\n

JustGiving is the world's leading platform for charity giving, enabling over 21 million people to raise $16 billion for over 13,000 charities since launching in 2001. Through online and mobile, JustGiving brings the best that technology has to offer to charities worldwide, with more charities recommending JustGiving than any other online fundraising platform. A social business, JustGiving exists by charging charities a small fee on donations, re-investing any surplus cash into developing innovative world-class technology to make giving to charity easier and quicker.<\/p>\r\n

JustGiving is the most visited charity-giving portal in the world and in 2013 was ranked by The Times as one of the 50 websites you can't live without. In 2009, CEO Zarine Kharas joined previous recipients Sir Tim Berners-Lee and Professor Stephen Hawking in being awarded the RSA's Albert Medal, for \"democratising fundraising and technology for charities\".<\/p>\r\n

For more information please contact:<\/p>\r\n

Nikki Kinloch, Hong Kong Regional Director on Nikki.Kinloch@justgiving.com<\/a><\/p>\r\n


Rosie Johnstone, Splendid Communications on Rosiej@splendidcomms.com<\/a><\/p>"]; $("#dvExtra").html(content_array[0]);})();