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Automobili Pininfarina 的运营总部设立在德国慕尼黑,来自多家国际知名豪华和高端汽车品牌的一批经验丰富的汽车高管汇集于此,共襄盛事。Battista 超级 GT 跑车和所有未来车型均在意大利设计和手工制造,将以 Pininfarina 品牌在全球各个主要市场区域销售。作为一家新公司,Automobili Pininfarina 的目标是成为全球最受青睐、最具可持续性的豪华汽车品牌厂商。<\/p> \n

该公司是 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd 的全资子公司。<\/p> \n


Configuration suite at the Battista Atelier allows clients to be inspired by the design team in creating their dream Battista.<\/span><\/p> \n<\/div> \n

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Clients can choose from the full range of personalisation options in the Battista Atelier in Cambiano, including interior and exterior colour combinations, materials and specifications.<\/span><\/p> \n<\/div> \n

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